Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cancer : General Info

Cancer is a condition in which some body cells is damaged and can not be repaired by the body. The cells then grow and divide abnormally and out of the body's normal control process. abnormal cells are called cancer cells. Cancer cells can grow together as a mass called a tumor that replaces the normal cells in a tissue or organ. Cancer cells can disrupt the function of organs in which they appear, and they also can spread to surrounding tissue or through the bloodstream and lymph nodes to other organs. Cancer cells that have spread from their original site to other organs is called "metastasis."

Cancer is a disease more common in the modern era. This is partly due to a longer life span. After an average life expectancy of most of the increase in world population in the twenty-first century. Parents are at higher risk of cancer, thus increasing the number of cancer patients among the population. In addition, medical techniques have been developed so that various types of tumors more easily detected. In ancient times there was no cancer, but often not known because it has not advanced the medical world.

Cancer is not only contagious in developed countries, but also in developing countries. No country in this world that is completely protected from cancer. However, there are differences in types of cancer. In Europe and the United States, for example, breast cancer, prostate cancer and cancer is the most common kolerektal. In Indonesia, lung cancer is relatively more severe in people because of widespread smoking habits. In women, cervical cancer is relatively more infectious due to lack of awareness and prevention of HPV virus that trigger.

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